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Milwaukie South - 09/20/23


On Wednesday, September 20th we had our QED Laundry event. We had the wonderful Clackamas Sunrise Rotary club grace us with their presence and pizza!! They are such an amazing support for us and helped the night run smoothly. We also want to thank them for their generous financial support that allows us to continue offering free laundry and resources to our neighbors in need.

We provided services to 67 participants and did 43 loads of laundry. (Guess those 5 loads sitting at home pale in comparison, haha!)

We also had our other lovely and faithful community partners join us - Blake with Outside In and Gretchen and Jerry with 4D Recovery. We truly couldn't do all this without you! Thank you to Robert Buick who owns QED for always being so gracious to host our laundry events 2x a month in his facility and support us financially.

We are handing out Narcan left and right with the rapid rise in overdoses in Clackamas County. We are so thankful to be able to provide Narcan at our events thanks to the State Harm Reduction Exchange and our partnership with Clackamas County Public Health. We distributed 48 doses just this night alone!

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