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Milwaukie South - August 17


Looking through photos of Wednesday night’s Milwaukie South event at QED Laundry/Integrated Health, we are feeling extra thankful for the many community members who make what we do possible. Did you know it takes 20+ volunteers to run this event? That’s more than 60 hours of volunteer time spent engaging, listening, encouraging and sharing resources because loving one person, one family and one community at a time MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

30 volunteers and several on-site partners provided services to 62 neighbors on Wednesday, including laundry, hygiene supplies, food, clothing, transportation assistance, STI testing, harm reduction resources, medical support and more.

We would like to send a special shout out to Rotary Club of Milwaukie, Oregon for sponsoring our event, providing a delicious meal and volunteering with us. “Service Above Self” is the Rotary motto and this group does an amazing job at living that out in their community.

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