Last Wednesday it rained. A lot. Also we provided free laundry at QED and wrap around supports in the parking lot of Integrated Health and loved every minute of it. We would hazard to say that the LoveOne team has adapted well to running outdoor events in smoke, ice, heat and rain.

A fantastic turnout of volunteers (26!) provided free laundry, hygiene supplies, a meal and supportive services to 130 neighbors in need. Thank you to Providence BOB for the delicious burritos and on-site resource support, Steph and Milwaukie Lutheran Church for bringing warm clothing and superstar volunteers (that’s you Karen and Darin!), as well as Dan and Grocery Outlet for providing bottled water and volunteers, Pastor Sara and Storyline Community for the bus tickets and volunteers, and so many incredible community members who saw our request for outdoor gear (ClackCo has no regular overnight shelters) and dropped off tents and sleeping bags to help support folks while we work with our partners to move them into transitional shelter and housing.

So many heartbreaking stories and deep needs to address, as well as opportunities to celebrate new housing, sobriety and much needed medical care. The good always outweighs the bad. Always. Keep being kind, keep caring and keep showing up.