Thank you Rotary Club of Milwaukie, Oregon for joining us on Wednesday to help celebrate our 10th birthday!

Even though it was a dark and rainy night we had a great time meeting needs and building community. Rotary provided pizza, supplies, volunteers and sponsored our laundry event. We were also joined by Oak Grove United Methodist Church - Oak Grove, Oregon, Storyline Community and Providence BOB.
157 neighbors received help with laundry, hygiene supplies, clothing and more. We celebrated with several folks who received their housing vouchers and are in the process of applying for apartments, and several more who have stabilized in temporary housing and are working hard to address their physical and mental health needs.

We are running low on socks, gloves, beanies, hand warmers, blankets, tarps, body wipes and travel sized hygiene supplies. Please PM us or email for drop off locations. Items can also be ordered off our Amazon Wish List linked in our bio. Thank you!