Wednesday, June 21 - Wow what a busy night!! We had 89 participants, 13 volunteers, Blake with Outside-In (sick van Blake!!) and Gretchen and Jerry with 4D Recovery providing services onsite. And maybe a partridge in a pear tree.

A huge shout out to Carol and Ron who made a delicious meatloaf, mac’n’cheese and veggie dinner. What a treat! We ran out of food after 80 people but everything seems to always work out because right after we ran out of food, our other laundry event coordinator, Kim, dropped off hot dogs and hamburgers from a youth bbq they had! Talk about the stars aligning. Oh, and we did 62 loads of laundry and our team stayed late at the laundromat to make sure as many people as possible got their laundry done. All of that made for a full, amazing and very late night and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
