Last night was busy with 34 neighbors receiving laundry and hygiene kits, snacks and water, Metro bags, device charging, and more.

Recently a neighbor showed us where he’d resorted to carving out an infection in his arm caused by a spider bite. Using a pocket knife. We were able to supply him with antibiotic cream and bandages, and reached out to Clackamas Fire Paramedic Amy Jo Cook. Amy attended last night’s event and provided some much needed care for our neighbors. Thanks Amy!❤️
Thanks to Z, support from Blanchet House and Farm and our community of supporters, we were able to offer device charging last night. 📱 🙌🏻 And a shout out to Little Prince of Oregon Nursery for the generous donation of pots to hold phones while they’re charging!
The hand washing station was so appreciated:
“Soap! Warm water! Paper towels! I can wash my hands more than once?!?”
“As many times as you want.” 😊
And last but not least, we ended the night with a gift from D, who made us a beautiful balloon butterfly.
