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Milwaukie South - November


Last Wednesday we provided laundry, hygiene supplies, a warm meal and lots of love to 173 neighbors and several super cute doggos.

A stellar team of volunteers ran laundry in the laundromat - 25 families left with clean clothing and bedding - and another fantastic team ran wrap-around supports next door.

Several partner organizations came out and provided on-site services alongside us - Providence BOB, Clackamas County Children’s Commission, Outside In and The Father’s Heart.

We are so thankful for the many community groups, service providers, businesses and individuals who support us in meeting tangible needs and building relationships with our neighbors. These relationships allow us to support folks in whatever next steps they’re looking to take. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when working with humans and it really does take all of us working together to make a difference.

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