Milwaukie North's event was an amazing example of shared community. Sure, we did laundry. We even enjoyed snacks courtesy of New Hope Church (thanks New Hope!). ❤️
You may have seen our last minute call for volunteers last night. Thank you to Terah and Karen for answering that call and coming down to pitch in! We couldn’t have done it without you! ❤️
Our neighbors blew us away with the care and generosity they exhibited last night. A dad who recently was laid off shared that prior to being out of work, he had taken his child school clothes shopping and within just a few weeks his child had grown several inches and two shoe sizes. They are no longer in a position to be able to replace what they purchased in a larger size, but generously offered to give what they have to another family with a child who is that size and could really use those items. Another couple stopped by to say hi and let us know that they recently obtained housing and a new job that comes with benefits! A family who recently lost their home left with two sleeping bags donated by one of our neighbors and another neighbor offered to let them regularly come and shower at their home. PEOPLE ARE AWESOME! It’s easy to feel discouraged with all the bad news we hear, but please remember that there are so many kind and compassionate people who generously share even when they’re going through hard times themselves. Be one of those people.❤️
