We have some event recap catching up to do! We enjoyed beautiful weather during our first Tuesday event on 10/4 and have reached the time of year when we get to watch the sun set during the event. This also means it’s time to bring out the Milwaukee lights and prepare for colder weather.

We connected with 65 neighbors, did as much laundry as possible in the time we had (we are consistently reaching max capacity for laundry), and provided hygiene supplies as well as a hot meal.
We could not do this without the help and support of our volunteers (19 at this event!), QED Laundry owner Robert, Earth Breeze’s generous donations of detergent, our partners at Clackamas County Behavioral Health, the Providence BOB team, and of course Stephanie and the Milwaukie Lutheran Church clothes trailer.
We are in need of sleeping bags, tents, tarps and other survival gear. Please consider purchasing items off our Amazon Wish List and/or dropping off supplies at one of our events. Thank you so much!
