Last Wednesday was our Milwaukie South event at QED Laundry. 114 neighbors accessed laundry (so much laundry!), hygiene supplies and a meal. An outreach team from The Father’s Heart helped folks sign up for housing resources through Clackamas County Coordinated Housing Access, Grocery Outlet provided bottled water and Gatorade and Milwaukie Lutheran Church brought their clothes closet.

We connected with several new neighbors: a family with two kiddos living in their car, a single mom and her nine year old daughter also living in their car (mom has a job in healthcare and is working but her hours were cut and she wasn’t able to maintain their housing) and four teenagers who are houseless and living in a very rural area. We are deeply grateful to be able to serve as a point of connection to community for these new families who joined us, and to help tangibly meet some of their immediate needs.