Tonight was GREAT!!! Thank you all for coming out. We had so many new faces and 1,110 pounds of laundry washed with a lot of new neighbors to meet and talk with. Thank you to our amazing team of volunteers who seriously make it happen each month❤ I couldn't ask for better people to work along side with!!!

We had a special visitor tonight, our girl who was a regular volunteer at our Oregon City location but since has moved out of state and one of my most favorite lifelong friends...Heather! So good to see her.
Tonight I set out to better know and talk with our neighbors and learn their stories. I showed up early and was met by a new gal who already had our waiting list started and got everyone there to help me unload and set up while or volunteers got there. This woman shared her thanks with amazing energy and heart and poems to make me cry. Another guy just came with a friend and he had just lost everything important in his life. One person was part of giving donations at our early beginnings this past year but life happened and she was needing help with laundry tonight. The stories kept pouring in and were so moving. I wish that we could give to every need out there. For now we just care and give whatever we can. Thank you Shelly for bottled water that helped tremendously!!! Baby soap by one of our volunteers and more quarters that saved our night as we almost ran out but there is somehow always enough. 😊

Thank you Molalla for all you do for this community and giving hope to those who needed to be reminded that we do care💗 LoveOne Molalla I'm so grateful for you all!!!