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Molalla - July 2020


Updated: Jan 26, 2021

We had a very good turnout for free laundry night with 23 families served and over 1,200 pounds of laundry cleaned. Six amazing volunteers came out in the heat to give and serve. A woman from Clackamas County mental health helped people find the resources they might need, which was great. We loved having new volunteers!

A neighbor, who has previously shared with us that she’s been caring for her sister with cancer and how good but also hard that has been during the COVID-19 pandemic, came again. This month she was able to bring her sister and that meant a lot to us.

Resources and donations are needed as we are running low on shampoo, conditioner, sunscreen, bug repellent, lotion, baby wipes, hand sanitizer, shaving items, chapstick, deodorant, body wash, and pre-packaged non-perishable foods. If you wish to drop off any of these items, please ssee our list below of businesses accepting LoveOne donations. At this time due to COVID, we are in need of laundry detergent pods and not liquid detergent.

As always thank you for your amazing support and efforts to continue making this special community even more bright during these times. Many people have lost their jobs and are in desperate need of something they can count on and this has been one of those very special gifts. It is never a mistake to love on others. ♥️

Local drop off sites: Back To The Racks Les Schwab Tires White Horse Restaurant Autotech NW Cindy’s Cafe Hope Animal Hospital Hoffman House Antiques

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