This evening's @braxlaundryoc event was jam packed with services and community partners. Thank you to Oregon City Church of the Nazarene for a delicious dinner, and to Rotary Club of Oregon City for their continued support and care for our community. A huge thank you to Max and Brad Sabo, owners of Brax, for allowing us to use your space for laundry and showers. And thank you to Clackamas Service Center for the kind donation of socks, as well as coming to observe our event in anticipation of expanding services in Clackamas County. And as always, many thanks to AA, 4D Recovery and Cascade AIDS Project for continuing to show up and love our neighbors.

Something that extra warmed our hearts tonight was having Tomas and Gabo (and their mama) join us. Their family has been having conversations around how to serve our neighbors in need and putting together care packages. We gave them a tour of all the things and they gave us hand warmers and some really stellar drawings. Thank you, Walker fam!
