27 families 1,220 pounds of laundry 2 cases of water 1 tray of cookies COMMUNITY KINDNESS HOPE
I want to share a little glimpse into the lives of some of our neighbors. One of our friends works in construction demolition, and let me tell you, she works HARD. She comes to events straight from work and exhausted from a long day, but she always, always has a smile on her face and is genuinely interested in how everyone is doing. She thanks us several times during events and lets us know just how helpful it is to have clean clothes for work. Something else we’ve learned about her? She LOVES macadamia nut cookies. Laundry night isn’t just about laundry, it’s about loving and supporting our community in multiple ways...and sometimes that’s as simple as sharing cookies. So friends, thank you for your financial support, donations of detergent and other supplies...and also the cookies.
Last night two neighbors asked if we ever have open volunteer positions and wondered if we might be able to find a job for them to do on event nights. The answer to that is always a resounding yes! There is always, always room at the table at LoveOne.

It’s been an honor to watch many of our neighbors transition from little hope to heaps of hope. Sometimes that’s been a result of transitioning into stable housing or consistent employment, sometimes it’s because of improved access to healthcare and various community resources, and sometimes it’s simply knowing people care. Highs, lows, and the valleys in between - we genuinely love what we do. All are welcome at LoveOne and we look forward to adding new friends to our community.