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Oregon City - March


Tuesday night we provided free laundry to 59 neighbors with the help of some truly extraordinary volunteers. Thank you to our returning volunteers and to Connie and Arthur for coming out and learning the ropes with us.

Our neighbor M couldn’t wait to tell us that he got a job with a landscaping company! M struggles daily with feeling less-than because of his housing situation. This job has boosted his confidence. M could really use a pair of work boots with good tread in men’s size 10.5. If you can help with this request, please contract us. 🥾

Neighbors C & A, temporarily housed through Greater Good Northwest let us know that they are in the midst of applying for apartments and could use help with the paperwork.

Another neighbor, J, gave us an update on a neighbor we haven’t seen in awhile, and shared that he is now taking care of that friend’s daughter...a powerful reminder that even when we don’t have a lot, we can still give a lot.

Our friend D graduated from his treatment program and we celebrated with cheers and elbow bumps all around. Way to go, D! You can do hard things!

At the end of the night we saw J who let us know that he has a clean date of 2/14 and is in sober living! He has reconnected with his daughter and they are taking slow, careful steps to restore their relationship. Thanks to a generous donor, we were able to give J a Target gift card to help with his upcoming visit with his daughter.

A neighbor came up to us at the end of the night and let us know that another neighbor, H, was in stocking feet. We followed up and learned that the shoes they had were worn out dress boots with holes in the bottom. A quick trip to Fred Meyer remedied that situation. We learned yesterday that this neighbor is now in transitional shelter and on their way to long term housing. You’ve got this, H!

We met several elderly neighbors, new to our events, who recently have found themselves in the position of having to choose between paying for laundry and buying food and paying their rent. Being able to alleviate some of that burden is exactly what we are here for. ❤

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