LoveOne has had an eventful week and it’s only Wednesday!

Last night was laundry night at QED where we provided 24 families with clean laundry, personal care resources and snacks. We washed and dried just over 1,000 pounds of laundry in record time, made hot cocoa and cup noodles, handed out care packages made by two new volunteers, learned how to make teddy bear balloon animals, shared resources donated by caring community members (thank you TCC Molalla The Country Church, Cassie Joy and Three Rivers VFW Post 1324) and YouTube’d how to re-fold our pop-up changing tent! 😬 ⛺️
Thank you to Casey Phelps, Carla Jean Phelps, Clayton Willbroad and Chris Hargrave for answering our call for additional volunteers! ❤️

We recently had the privilege of replacing the washer and dryer at PTA Clothes Closet of Clackamas County with a new Speed Queen set from Hamilton's Appliance and yesterday we received photos of the finished product. 😍 The Clothes Closet provides clothing, coats, shoes and other personal items to school aged children throughout Clackamas County and we thought it pretty important that they have an efficient W/D to keep up with all the amazing work they do.
And last but not least, our Board Secretary Marissa Parker Long got up early on Tuesday morning to be at a 7am Rotary Meeting in Forest Grove to share about LoveOne. Thank you Marissa, and thank you Forest Grove Daybreak Rotary Club!
