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Showers - 09/11/22


We held our most recent shower event on Sunday, September 11. For the past 20 years, many of us have spent this day in remembrance of what was lost on 9/11/01. This year it was a pleasure to spend it with friends and neighbors at our event, thankful for this community and the support we can provide to one another.

We provided 5 showers, which includes new undershirts, underwear and socks, as well as plenty of hygiene supplies to those without regular access to running water. Some of our other services included much needed foot care. Thank you Nurse Judy! Many other neighbors come for resources and support, like a sack lunches, hygiene supplies and encouraging conversations.

We hold our shower events on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at Milner Veterinary Hospital on Molalla Avenue. All are welcome!

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