Last Thursday (8/22) our food pantry at Redland Grange #796 in Oregon City was amazing!!
The Grange was a buzz with so much positivity and gratitude, our staff and volunteers forgot to take pictures!
140 families with 108 awesome kiddos, 55 incredible veterans, and 166 lovely seniors, bring the total to a whopping 401 people who don't have to worry about where they will get their next meal.
Every week our phenomenal community partners, the Oregon Food Bank and the Clackamas Service Center, help us put on these events in an effort to keep everyone in Clackamas County fed and cared for. The folks at Redland Grange also do their part by giving us a place to host our food pantry. Without the support from them, our staff, and our volunteers we couldn't help as many people as we do. So, thank you all so much! ♡
See ya Thursday!
