Today was pantry day at Redland Grange! When our team arrived they found the grange flooded so everyone pitched in to get the water out using whatever they could find. Steve ran home to get buckets, shovels and towels which expedited the process and Carol estimates that thanks to everyone's efforts, they removed at least 100 gallons of water by hand. Way to go, team!

In other news, one individual who came to pick up food with a family member chose to berate our volunteers about the mask requirement. The Grange generously allows us to use their space for free, the only requirement being that we agree to follow all state mandates including requiring volunteers and participants to wear masks. We intentionally make accessing food as easy as possible - everything is free, folks can take as much as they need, neighbors can pick up for neighbors, no ID or address required. We do ask that people bring their own bags or boxes, and we do require masks. If you are unable or unwilling to wear a mask, you can have a friend or family member go inside and shop for you.
Harassment of our volunteers will not be tolerated. Wear a mask and shop for food, or stay home and send someone in your place. Easy peasy.