Our laundry event at BRAX Laundry Oregon City last Wednesday (7/24) felt like a party! So many of our incredible friends, neighbors, and community partners were on site assisting just about 60 awesome participants suds up a heaping 61 loads of wash!!

A huge thank you to the fabulous Roxanne, and her benevolent buddies from the Oregon City Church of the Nazarene, for bringing delicious pasta and delightful peach cobbler!!
Our very dear friends, Sarah, Torrey, Debbie, Tom, and Danielle, showed up and showed loads of love!! The stellar team at 4D Recovery and the fantastic folks at Alcoholics Anonymous came out to offer their support and resources to anyone needing info.
As always we need to send a big thank you to Earth Breeze for supporting our laundry events with their ongoing donations of detergent!
We have such an incredible group of volunteers, neighbors, staff, and community partners who all share the same vision for change, and it's an incredibly beautiful thing to watch and be a part of.
Our gratitude is endless.
