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Oregon City- 08/28/24


Our laundry event at BRAX Laundry Oregon City last Wednesday, 8/28, was a great success and a lot fun!

Our staff and volunteers, helped 40 of our incredible neighbors get their laundry fresh and clean!!

Brandi’s newly adopted teeny, tiny, kitten, made an appearance and put a smile on every ones faces. The kitten may not have a name yet, but it sure has made some friends already!

Our always lovely volunteers from the Oregon City Church of the Nazarene provided a scrumptious meal for everyone and the phenomenal folks at 4D Recovery were here providing resources and support!

As always, we say a huge thank you to our fabulous community partner Earth Breeze! They generously continue to donate detergent to keep our laundry events nice and sudsy.

Without all of the fantastic support from our community partners and neighbors alike, it would be impossible for us to help as many people as we do, and there isn't enough time in the day to thank you all adequately. ♥︎

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